Are you tired of paying $3 or more for gas. Our design eliminates fuel points of any type. Imagine the extra discretionary income available to a family if they did not have a vehicle fuel bill. Our unique design does not require recharging. You can drive an electric vehicle without the fear of running out of electricity, or the requirement to visit a recharge station. We can make this happen. It is within our grasp to bring to fruition. We can't do it without your help. Any amount will help. If you can't contribute please share the word with as many people as you can.
- Our design will work on heavy transport trucks as well, brining the promise of at least reducing fuel and possible eliminating fuel as a transportation cost in the trucking industry. How mush better would the world be if the cost of goods were not tied to the volatility of fossil fuels?How much more consistent would the prices of good and products be? Can you imagine the increase in quality of life for people in developing nations?
We have launched a crowdfunding opportunity to support Project HERMES, which shows promise in greatly extending the range of electric vehicles, decreasing their cost, increasing their reliability. The linkbelow will take you to the crowdfunding site. Thank you for your consideration. You can support by donations or simply spreading the word to others. Thank you.